Nasheed Al Sharieqah - From Album Samtan - Ahmed Bukhatir

Nasheed Al Shareqa from album Samtan

Please download MP3 file of Al Shariqa Nasheed here

English meaning of nasheed Al Shareqa lyrics

The world sings,the world sings,the world sings
The world sings Sharjah's anthem,
suddenly the paths are illuminated with sunrise
For Sharjah with knowledge is like shining stars
so let's all sing for Sharjah
Of God's guidance
We placed foundations
The holo journey promised to meet again
And the kindness chant with love and purity
And rewarding have come after more rewards
And challenges which filled
our world with brightness
The story of patience is the way
to rise within the pure of past loyalty
Glory gives us reasons to see the world always in peace
Sharjah rises, Sharjah rises, Sharjah rises
Rises with brightness in every meaning and
spreads peace with flowers of success
Inspires the world with different
lyrics and fills it with devotion
Brings the history back to life every second
The take the glory as a sign
The brightness rises today so let's sing it all around
This way we have called upon ourselves loudly
And we enlightened the darkness
of ignorance through day light
And we spread with the drops of goodness
all around guided with knowledge
We started to succeed and
we have taken it as a way and a path
We took our determination as a pride and
a decision and we raised light in the universe ans a sign

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